The Windblown Sisters
In a small village hidden in a northern pine forest lived two sisters.
Both were tall and beautiful with long blond hair. Inseparable, they
passed their days singing with the birds in the trees. They would only
go down when nightfall came to get some rest before
the dawn came to greet them and the singing would start once more.
One day, while up in the tallest of all the trees in the forest, the
winds blew so strong through the leaves that the two girls were blown
off their branches and taken far far away. One was blown east, the other
west. Their bodies tumbling through the sky.
The girl in the east was the first to land. She had fallen into a deep
blue sea. She tried swimming to shore but her body, crooked from the
fall, left her swimming in circles.
The second sister, in the west, had landed in a maple tree forest, the leaves bursting with the colours of autumn.
She too has been twisted from the flight. And when she tried to find her
way back, found herself always coming back to the exact same spot.
Nonetheless, the two sisters continued in circles trying to find each other.
The sister in the maple forest sang to a bird and told her to fly the
song over to her sister in the east. The bird did so. And the sister in
the lake received the melody. She too sent one back. In this way the
bird continued, flying back and forth without
a pause. Singing to the sister in the east and to the sister in the
west, making sure they're song never got lost in the wind.
If you listen carefully, you can still hear they're whispers whistling in the breeze.